Our Mission

The mission of the Chittagong Association of North America Inc. (CANAI) is to serve and represent the Chattogram community residing in North America by promoting their cultural heritage, providing a platform for social, cultural, and charitable activities, and facilitating personal and professional development.

The association aims to achieve its mission by:

Preserving and promoting the culture, traditions, and values of the Chattogram region through events, seminars, workshops, and other cultural activities.
Facilitating networking and professional development opportunities for members to enhance their personal and professional growth.

Promoting charitable initiatives and social services that benefit the community and make a positive impact on the world.

Advocating for the rights and interests of the Chattogram community in North America and promoting greater understanding and appreciation of their contributions to society.

Fostering a sense of community and belonging among members, and building partnerships with other organizations to create a stronger and more vibrant community.

Overall, the mission of the Chittagong Association of North America Inc. is to serve and empower the Chattogram community in North America, promote their cultural heritage, and make a positive impact on the world through charitable and social initiatives.
